Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lorena Herrera Look Alike

And if we were going to the theater? ... Entertainment 'while french' Saturday, November 20 at the French Institute. The in Crocodiles

Story-telling, tales and stories ...

Two shows presented by the Institute francais dans le cadre du Y o u t h F e s t i v a l du 17 au 20 Novembre 2010:

'Ciné-comptines' with Michèle Baczynsky
Michèle Baczynsky offers cine-nursery rhymes on the theme of 'Monsters, fairies and other strange creatures'. She tells stories and sings to reveal the cinematic surprises that she has dug out. This is a spectacle which has delighted children from Madrid to Jerusalem and shouldn't be missed!

thu 18 nov, frid 19 nov 10.00am, 1.00pm, sat 20 nov 10.00am
duration: 50 mins in French £6 adults, conc. £4 ages 3 to 6

The Arabian Nights with Mohamed Baouzzi
Mohamed Baouzzi, an important story-teller in France was born in Marrakech. Here he leads us to the land of the 1001 nights, where all the stories mix up and where fables never end!The older ones will be able to listen to him tell stories from here and there whilst camels graze around a camp fire on the slopes of the Atlas mountains. This wonderful mix of tricks and fantasies are told with warmth and humour.

thu 18 nov, frid 19 nov 11.00am, 2.00pm, sat 20 nov 11.00am
duration: 75 mins in French £6 adults, conc. £4 ages 6 to 10

Crocodiles are eager to go!

Info: http://www.institut-francais.org.uk/

Monday, September 20, 2010

Glutathione Soap What Stores Buy


... and yes we are on paper, Crocodiles are talking about them and are ranked in the top 5 best activity of the year 2010 in the journal hackneytoday published this week by Hackney Council!

To enroll your child, contact
les-crocodiles@hotmail.com .

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Long Does Trich Take To Cure

It's back! ...

... and yes, the holidays are over but the crocodile is still a little vacation!

The small school crocodiles resume Thursday, Sept. 16. Pauline, our teacher was anxious to find all the old crocodile and meet new ... ... CROC CROC CROC ... ...

For crocodiles Sunday, Sunday, September 12th will be our first meeting of the season!

To more information, thank you for contacting us: les-crocodiles@hotmail.com

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gallbladder Removal From Throat

simplified rules of life

As happens every year, I think long hours working in a class needs to be changed back once done ... LoL I must say that arriving at a new school and not not knowing the students, it was difficult to anticipate everything. ( Three years in the same school and I had already forgotten what it was like to adapt to a whole new class! )

FITNESS, so. This is the key word. After a day of class, I had identified the main problem of my great CM2: gossip ...!

The problem with this scourge is that it's not very bad, per se, but it is unlivable every day (especially at 30!). Naively, I thought, just a few seconds (go, even say "minutes" I'm too optimistic ...) a discussion with such great students inconvenience these unwanted chatter and their consequences for work and well-being of all, then it would go like clockwork! I say naive? I mean ... stupid! LoL

So I started changing my life rules and my system of sanctions. Now, in the classroom, there are only 3 main rules barred and each student has a card (or allowed) which remains on the table all day.

Nouvelles règles -image-

Red for those who do want to understand anything, yellow for those who are still struggling to control himself and green for those who have it all! ;-) Every color of his rights and penalties. I also expected the sanctions "collective" because these little devils have quickly begun to discuss the matter and the horrible injustices caused (...).

Sure, we can discuss the rules with students. Certainly, one can construct with them the rules of classroom life. But some rules are essential for efficient work and thus are not debatable. Also, I want to say that CM2, they have no excuse: they know very of how a class should work, what is forbidden and what is allowed.

To date, the class is yellow and some wags are red. There is no green! I am tempted by despair ... but I'll cross our fingers to see the end of the tunnel soon!

Good luck to all! ;-)

Transferring Flights Keflavik

Back to school: it's done! Separated

And what a fall! Between my classes, I joined a new school, all my new role as PEMF, I no longer touches land for a week! This explains my silence on this blog ...

In my last poll, you were 76% ( including me! ) to stress this fall! Only 24% were serene: small lucky LoL ... Now answer the new poll, to see how this has gone back to my dear readers :-). So I started

with 30 CM2 ( and Mr. Minister says there is not overloaded class ... ) Students who know very well (since most CP), which s' hear very well, which gives: inveterate gossips! So, I think about how to obtain silence in the classroom but also in travel outside the classroom. The corridors and stairways that resonate ... what a pleasure every day! I'm sure I'm not alone in experiencing this ...

Add to that the various tasks of paperwork (paper to be distributed, completed, to make such a date, list to copy, correct, complete records ...! !) and the interstellar space of a school that does not seem to work in teams and in which we must daily spend long minutes fishing info.

And you get: an instit 'EXHAUSTED after only three days of class size!

was the ticket "encouraging" from the start ... ;-)