Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pinky On Oinion Booty

Cambodia: Animals.

First of all, there are a lot of toads and frogs all specially now since the rains began.

In the radius "small bebete" We also come across a few millipedes of various sizes, some are incredibly large and sometimes venomous we did they say, and butterflies of all sizes and all colors including this one that we have crossed several times and is bigger than the hand of Gwen.

Cambodia is also a cross country on all sides by numerous rivers and rivers of significant size. C is particularly in this country that there is the Tonle Sap, the largest lake in Southeast Asia. You can imagine the amount of fish that can be found here. The fishermen are very clever to keep the fish: they innondent the hold of an old boat and there confine their fishing until the arrival of a buyer.

Cote cattle: there are lots of huge water buffalo horns to spend much of their time in water or mud to cool off and oxen like ours which are much used in the area of Kompong Chnang to transport the pottery (which means less chance of breaking that truck).

There are also bats everywhere, in trees, caves, buildings and even in some museums, that this photo is in a museum in Phnom Penh.

You see we do not have lied there are a lot of bats in Cambodia.


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