Here's a link to the website of the Express on 26 August. Many of you probably recognize themselves in this situation.
is also what the National Education ... :-(
Here's a link to the website of the Express on 26 August. Many of you probably recognize themselves in this situation.
is also what the National Education ... :-(
Here is a new site developed by the National Education for the training of "New Officials Interns" (NFS), to prepare back to school and continue to learn throughout the year. It contains resources and aims to give concrete answers to specific questions from trainee teachers.
Beyond the controversy ( WHAT? A website that would replace the current IUFM?? ), it can be a useful tool for beginning teachers already stressed by this school year ... C That is why I moved here.
To access, click on the image! And as usual, you can give your opinion by leaving a comment.
Here I present a first draft of the operation I intend to use for my class on the rules of life. Firstly, the rules that I impose inalienable and are not debatable: these are the basics to follow:
Then here are the color belts with corresponding rights and duties. I still wonder if I should not have "forgotten" or if I need to change the order ... I'm listening to your opinions about this!
Finally, the tracking table will be enlarged and posted near my desk. On the left, I would add the name of students and I will cross when a rule is violated. I provided two spaces per rule there still a warning before the sanction. Four crosses in all and is the belt and the associated rights to fly. The presentation highlights the fact that the more a student performs his duties, the greater the rights in the classroom.
I add a link to a website explaining very well the principle of belts: we are then free to modify some aspects. For my part, I'm not sure to devote a debate Weekly. I rather think, thanks to views, evaluate student behavior continuously, even though in talking really big problems.
I have not forgotten Jack and his fabulous blog full of drawings so useful for our displays! :-)
For maths, I chose to submit one page per time (as in French). You can download by clicking on the images.
They are based on the advances offered by the manual "Little Lighthouse", Hachette. Here are the books that I have at my disposal: alas, I will no playoffs. I think I rely heavily on "Little Lighthouse" and draw other things in "The Tribe in maths Magnard. Especially since this book is accompanied by a book of geometry, and very convenient that I can copy some excerpts. As you saw on my progress, I also (if I have time!) ERMEL drawn from a few sessions, I definitely found very effective with both good students with those in trouble, even if the sequences are slow to develop.
Back from vacation after a week in the sun without ever thinking at work! An exploit ;-)
I put online my progressions History and Geography , based on those already established in my future school for Cycle 3:
Here are the manuals available in the classroom (in MAGNARD):
also m'aguiller for a little more in my sequences, I got the following books (in Retz), which are very detailed, very guided and complete:
And remember: download = comment! ;-)
I keep going: here is my schedule for a class of CM2 (click the image).
course, it will be subject to change at the beginning because I have several constraints: discharge on Tuesday (it must then approve what I suggest!) and stakeholders in PE and music. So I put this article updated in a timely manner.
few small details: the reading will be regularly available Monday in connection with history because I a book by Alain Decaux that seems great to approach this subject differently with students. Moreover, the half-hour of Science Friday will be devoted to recalls or deepening of things seen on Tuesday. Similarly, the niche of "history or geography" Friday I will catch up I was late (if any) in the sessions of the week, or complete. Finally, the literature includes both readings and written production.
If you have any questions, please, you know that in exchange for a download, a comment is required ;-).
For now, I read a lot but I am not yet entered in the "concrete" of my preparations: it does not delay! Here is the first fruit of my work for the CM2: just click on images to download.
I found it convenient to make these advances on a page per period. I have indeed inserted themes with skills assessed and it takes up space! Grayed out, you will see the skills that will be worked throughout the year.
I wondered if these increases would correspond to what will be expected in January with the famous national assessments. Upon inquiry, it appears that it is impossible to match the Shakers CM2 with these assessments so pending the institution is great! I await your opinion on this ...