Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hamilton Beach P90d23al Dj

Thailand: The school

Unfortunately no photos to upload nor extensive information on schools in Thailand to give you as during our stay in this country c was the summer holidays (because of the new year coming soon, biggest festival Thai!). Therefore impossible to visit a school, that is why we changed our plans and decided to go to Laos 3 to 4 weeks back from south to north and not doing the reverse as was originally planned to go back then a week in Thailand before going to Cambodia to visit schools.
Here are the scant information we have gleaned a right to left as well as possible since we repeat people speak English poorly here. In reality only the people who work in tourism (vendors, tuk tuk, internet, restaurants ..) speak a little English and often they do not actually know what to say what they need: to talk about prices (and therefore the numbers , say that it is not enough that they lose the money that they make us a special discount, etc.), destination (or are you going? hotel, temple, etc. .. c is beautiful, not so far. ) this kind of thing.

The school in Thailand is not mandatory, many children are never or only a few years ecole al. In addition there are in India as public and private schools, the public are free but we must of course still purchase the uniform (also children wear a uniform to go al school) and the material and some families can not and afford private pay and are of course dear!
conditions of teaching are not the same in private and in public and in private unless there is an actual class sizes, more material was available, most of the subjects taught as English for example (not at all taught in public school!).
Note also that search did not so many schools in Thailand that ca because of low attendance, and for those who live in town usually no problem but for others it gets harder! For example children who live in the mountains of northwestern Thailand that will al school must walk two hours Monday morning to al school and stay all week until Friday evening in the boarding down before making the 2 hour walk back to spend the weekend with their families. They should therefore be on their backs during the march their schooling and their personal business (clothes, toiletries and clothing
..) for a week, even smaller! So children do not generally L school until at least 6, 7 years.
Thai school children Monday to Friday.
That's all for now ... Sorry! We will complete this section of our second pass in Thailand for a month!


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